Monday, April 5, 2021

April Virtual Story-time Schedule and Theme!

Please check the Center Point Library Facebook page and blog every second and fourth Friday of April to tune into Miss Emily's Story-time!

Also come to the library to pick up a craft bag to go along with this month's story-time theme!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Virtual Story-time with Miss Emily

Please click the link below to watch a story-time with the Children's Services Manager, Miss Emily!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Weather Books, Apps, and Podcasts

Have recent weather events sparked your interest in the weather? Center Point Public Library has you covered with the titles below:

For weather awareness, check the Apple or Google Play stores for free weather apps.  Some popular ones include:

For information and entertainment purposes, enjoy some popular weather podcasts. 

  • Weather Brains – Featuring Birmingham’s own James Spann and other weather gurus.
  • Weather Geeks – Stories about weather and the science behind it.
  • AMS On the Air – Stories and news from the American Meteorological Society on weather, water, and climate. 

Happy reading and listening!

Center Point Library Phone-lines Down

The Center Point Library's phones are down at the moment due to damage from the inclement weather on Thursday. Please email us at or message us on Facebook to get in contact with the library.

Plant Activity for Kids!

Want to teach you child how to start their own garden with just a few items? Check out this cool planting activity! All you need is an egg carton, seeds, soil, and sunshine!

Grow Seedlings in an Egg Carton | Crafts for… | PBS KIDS for Parents

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Library Closing

Due to the threat of inclement weather, the library will be closing at 11am today, March 25th.

Stay Safe!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Women's History Month Adult Spotlight: Kamala Harris

 As Women’s History Month continues we feature a memoir from the first woman (and black and South Asian) Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.    “The Truths We Hold,” published prior to her victory as Vice President, follows her journey up to that point.  She writes about her family, her formative years, serving as a DA and as Attorney General of the State of California, and her experiences as a U.S. Senator.  She writes about big challenges, leadership, justice, and a shared vision for America.  Read the book for a glimpse of how she may respond to the challenges of being the first woman Vice-President of the United States of America.

Visit the Center Point Public Library to check it out!